The Problem with Polyphenols in Fruits and Vegetables
We all know that fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber, natural sugars, vitamins, and minerals.
What you may not know is brightly colored fruits and vegetables, and even red wine, can also be rich in helpful compounds known as polyphenols.
Polyphenols — also referred to as “phenols,” “fenols,” or “phenolics” —provide protection. Polyphenols protect us from unstable molecules in our body that contribute to aging, inflammatory diseases, and even cancer.
Polyphenols are the good guys that combat cell damage.
So what’s the problem?
The problem is the majority of these polyphenols are in a form that don’t do much for us.
Here’s why: Most polyphenols don’t begin to benefit us until late in your digestion when they reach the colon.
There the polyphenols are put into action by enzymes produced by bacteria in your colon.
Unfortunately, these same bacteria may also create substances that knock down the polyphenol before it can be absorbed.
The fact that these actions occur in the colon is also a concern since nutritional absorption is not ideal within the colon.
If only there was a way to allow polyphenols to work earlier in the digestive process....
Oh, wait—there is!
It is thought that certain enzymes produced by good fungi and bacteria may clip the attached sugar group which keep polyphenols from being absorbed.
These same enzymes, when taken as a dietary supplement, can start working on the polyphenols while the food is still in the stomach and small intestine.
By breaking off the sugar group that held the polyphenol in check, the polyphenol is freed to work much earlier in the digestive tract.
Absorption can then occur in the small intestine rather than being lost with bowel movements. This also prevents the polyphenol from being broken down by the colon’s bacteria.
Get the right enzyme
Enzymes specific for polyphenol digestion can enhance your absorption of these natural compounds so their benefits occur quicker and with greater effect.
For the best digestive support of polyphenols in fruits and vegetables, try an enzyme formula specific to polyphenols, such as No-Fenol.†
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