
Showing 227 results for ""

Where We Are Now...

Do the last two years seem a blur to you? What with lockdowns, travel restrictions, and large gatherings discouraged, connections with others may seem lost or...

Enzyme Supply and Demand

Our manufacturer alerted us to the possibility of enzyme shortages in the near future. Like everything else that is good and needed, enzymes are in great...

How Do You Know You Need an Enzyme Product?

  *How do you know whether you should try a digestive enzyme supplement?* Certain foods can be problematic for people. We call these food intolerances, which is different...

About the Newsletter...

*A WORD ABOUT NEWSLETTER EMAILING*   You may not have noticed, but you have not received a newsletter from Houston Enzymes since August of 2021. Cindy Kelley was...

Enzymes From Fungi??

Of all the questions I've been asked over the years, this one keeps popping up the most: Is there a risk to using enzymes from fungal...

Courage in Ukraine

*COURAGE IN UKRAINE*  The war in Ukraine continues, as Russian President Putin relentlessly bombs cities and kills helpless civilians. Every day, from the safety of our homes,...

Enzyme Supply Update

*LATEST ON ENZYME SUPPLY AND DEMAND*  Shortages of oil, baby formula, and who knows what else is driving stress levels to record heights. Couple that with inflation,...

Enzyme Research

*ENZYME RESEARCH NEWS*  Enzyme provider Bio-Cat, of Troy, VA completed a study on fungal enzymes in an in vitro simulation of digestion. The results were published in the August 30,...

TriEnza Is Even Better!

  Houston Enzymes continues to improve their product line based on the newest and most relevant science. Recently, several articles indicated that cellulose, the most plentiful fiber...

3 Misconceptions About Fiber

*Not All Fiber Is Equal*  According to a 2017 article by Nicola McKeown in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, dietary fiber has a...

Dr. Houston Speaks: TACA Take Action Conference Series

*Catch Dr. Houston’s Talk on TACA ‘s Take Action Conference Series!* * TACA will be conducting its Take Action Conference Series April 1 – 28th* * *On April 5th, 4:00...

Happy 2024!!!

I apologize for not sending out newsletters more often, but, on the other hand, less mail in your inbox, right?! The holidays were quiet but pleasant for...

Introducing BIO-YUMMIES! Our First PostBiotic Product, and it's a GUMMY!

You've heard of prebiotics and probiotics, but have you heard of POSTBIOTICS? A postbiotic is *a preparation of inanimate microorganisms or their components that provides a health benefit to...

Biomuve Is Back!

After many months away, Biomuve is now back in stock!   Many have relied upon Biomuve to help with occasional constipation but were put off by the high...

Enzymes and Your Pancreas

One of the most frequent questions we receive is whether oral fungal-derived enzymes have an effect on our own pancreatic enzyme production.  Our answer has generally been,...

Tips for Talking to Your Doctor About Enzymes

Write down your plan before the appointment and take it with you. Keep your discussion focused on digestion and absorption of nutrients. Enzymes are well defined...

Enzymes and Credibility

What is the "best" enzyme product for you and your family? What criteria do you use to make that judgement? How can you make decisions concerning...

The "No Fillers" Secret

"Why do you use fillers?"  We often hear this question from consumers eager to learn about enzyme supplements.  Fillers are used in encapsulated products for several reasons and...

Enzymes, Heat and Storage

*Question: Are enzymes inactivated at temperatures higher than 118 F?* *Answer:* Ah, the magical 118 number. When Edward Howell wrote his book on enzymes, he concluded that...